Join us
Undegraduate research
If you are an undergraduate, please write to us if you would like to join us for 6 months or more to gain some research experience.
We are particularly interested in hearing from you if you are interested in developing skills related to large-scale data analyses. We do not encourage applications where substantial new data collection is needed.
In line with our equality and diversity goals, we do not accept undergraduate researchers unless they are funded or if the research is a part of their degree.
Please email Varun Warrier with your CV and a letter indicating why you want to work with us and what your interests are.
We welcome applications for either a one-year MPhil degree or a PhD degree.
We are particularly interested in potential applicants who are interested in conducting research in one of the three research themes in our group.
For a PhD/MPhil unless otherwise advertised, we do not have specific funding. However, there is a lot of funding available both within the university and outside sources that we encourage you to apply to.
The funding deadline for most Cambridge funding (see: https://www.student-funding.cam.ac.uk/) is in early December the year preceding the start of the PhD. We encourage you to get in touch with us at least by October with your CV and a research proposal.
Further details about the PhD application process including the research proposal is available here.
If interested please email Varun Warrier with your CV and research proposal.
Postdoctoral research
We welcome applications from anyone interested in doing postdoctoral research with us. We do occasionally advertise for postdoctoral opportunities, but also welcome ad hoc applications.
We are also happy to support any postdoctoral fellowships.If interested in joining this team, please send an email to Varun Warrier with your CV and with a project proposal.